Exposition de Chine Shanghai

Date de sortie:2021-06-28

108eb23521c597845830d139cd49d6a.jpgWe are exhibiting in Shanghai, China. The purpose of this exhibition will be high-end, high-quality, and quality. The exhibition covers five areas of professional beauty, daily chemicals, cosmetic plastic surgery, and professional nails, eyelashes and tattoos. It is the best business platform for the promotion of beauty cosmetics brands. , Is an important place for business negotiations and transactions, and is the most effective information platform for you to find distributors, agents, franchise chains, partners, show your style, and learn from experts in the beauty industry. It has played a positive role in promoting the communication and cooperation between buyers and sellers in the market.

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  • Hong Kong Delisi cosmetics industry Co., Limited
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Hong Kong Delisi cosmetics industry Co., Limited

Profession: General manager

département: President's Office

Téléphone de l'entreprise: 18102686160

E-mail: Contactez nous

Téléphone portable: +8618102686160

Site Internet: delisihk.frainfo.com

Adresse: Hong Kong Delisi cosmetics industry Co., Limited ADD:UNIT 17,9/F TOWER A NEW MANDARIN PLAZA NO 14 SCIENCE MUSEUM RD TST KLN HONG KONG

Montre de téléphone intelligent, montre Bluetooth
Téléphone intelligent plein écran
Salon super cool aquarium
Femmes Cils Ultra Long Sexy
Boisson de jus de vitamine C super nutritive
Table d'extérieur pratique
Imprimante couleur ultra-intelligente
Grand ventilateur extérieur
Vin rouge premium
Disque de stockage USB ultra-compact pratique